The wording is slightly confusing. This petition is asking for INCLUSIVE language! 


The Bishops of England and Wales have chosen the non-inclusive English Standard Edition of the Bible for use at Mass. 

In choosing this translation over the inclusive Catholic version of the New Jerusalem Bible, the Bishops have chosen to exclude at least fifty percent of the ecclesial community. Their choice of Bible translation can but speak of an attitude that continues to judge women second class citizens in the Church.

Language shapes thoughts and attitudes, and the impact of rendering Holy Scripture in this way is to deny the inclusion of female disciples of Jesus, not only in the language of the liturgy, but in the good news of salvation. 

At his election address, Pope Francis set a tone of inclusiveness when he greeted us together as 'fratelli e sorelle' (brothers and sisters). The Bishops might have taken their lead from the Vicar of Christ. 

It was to mutual interdependence that Jesus entrusted a woman and a man as he died upon the cross. It was a woman Jesus commissioned first Apostle of the Resurrection. It was the stories of the women of faith that Jesus heard the men repeating as they made their way together to Emmaus.  The Bishops might have taken their lead from Jesus.

ACTA Leeds prayer -  Seeking is Seeing
Seeking God is as good as seeing God.
Who, but a saint,
Would know so clearly
That the journey is the reality,
The steps are sight,
The effort is reward,
The seeing is the searching,
The dream is the reality?
Seeking God is seeing God.                    
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