The Synodal Process
Dear Bishop Marcus
At a recent meeting of ACTA LEEDS (July 13th) we welcomed the idea that a meeting of a small group of ACTA parishioners with you and those navigating the synodal process would be extremely opportune and useful at this stage in the synodal process both in the diocese and as it moves towards the first plenary in October in Rome.
What would be the purpose of such a meeting?
ACTA Leeds has been made up of lay people and priests working in the pursuit of greater dialogue and formation - ‘synodality’ in all but name – since 2012. Yet we have never formally met you. Now that synodality is the path the Church has embarked on so hopefully such a meeting seemed overdue. We would hope that the meeting would be synodal in character involving ‘mutual listening’.
1) To give you the opportunity to listen to an account of our work in the diocese and how we now support the synodal process.
2) By listening to you about how you imagine what roles supporters of ACTA could take in supporting you in taking the synodal process forward in the parishes and schools of the diocese.
Some background
We number over a hundred and fifty supporters in parishes. A sizeable proportion of these acted as volunteers in facilitating Phases 1 and 2. We wrote to you last year confirming our ardent support for the synodal process. ACTA nationally and here in the diocese exists to further dialogue in the Church. It welcomes the call for a synodal church with its stress on the need for mutual listening as we discern together the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the Church.
ACTA National Conference last month took as its theme “The Synodal Journey: Travelling with Great Expectations”. It was addressed by Sarah Adams (Director for Education in diocese of Clifton), Bishop Nicholas Hudson and Fr Jan Nowotnik (CBCEW Ecumenical Officer) - both of whom as you know have been invited by Pope Francis to attend the Synod in October.
We are delighted you are one of the two members of the hierarchy representing the CBCEW at that meeting. Whilst we fully understand that your brief is a national one, a fully rounded view of the ‘sensus fidelium’ and the ‘sensus fidei’ of the people and clergy of your own diocese might not go amiss and would also support the next steps of the synodal process here.
Our desire for a meeting arises from a love of the Church and a desire to translate that into practical support for both clergy and laity in the diocese. Bishop Hudson said that what impressed him most about his experience of the synodal meeting in Prague was “the transformative power of listening”. We hope a meeting with you would be similarly transformative for us all.
We look forward to your reply.
Every best wish,
David Jackson, Brian Hamill, Denise Mason, Dennis Loughran, Pat Brown, Pippa Bonner, Sheelagh Pickles, Tony Pickles, Vincent Borg.
Supporters of ACTA Leeds